Hello, UX!
hello, UX!
walking through:
- what is this, and why should we care?
- identifying site purpose and users
- making decisions thru rapid prototyping
- wireframing and interactive prototyping
- usability + user testing
- User experience
- Interface
- Wireframe
- Prototyping
- Usability
- User testing
resources and notes
- facilitating site planning with different audiences: undergraduate, graduate, faculty, PI
- Cassandra's slides for facilitating site planning with a general audience (RDDS workshops, Hoesley fellow workshops, DreamLab, etc)
- Cassandra's wireframing zine (draft)
- Cassandra's usability testing questionnaire (draft)
- Nielsen Norman Group (Don Norman, co-founder of the term "user experience")
- Houde + Hill, "What do Prototypes Prototype?"
- Universal Methods of Design: 100 Ways to Research Complex Problems, Develop Innovative Ideas, and Design Effective Solutions